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Our Kaupapa

He whakanui, he whakatairanga i ngā rauemi māori, hei akiaki mō ngā tamariki mokopuna, tae atu ki a mātou ngā pakeke kia poipoia i ngā taputapu a ngā tipuna.

To celebrate and promote Māori Resources left behind by our tupuna for us and our children to nurture.


About us

Ko Mauao te Mauanga

Ko Tauranga te Moana

The team here at Rauemi - Māori Resources are a Mother and Daughter duo born, bread and based in Tauranga Moana who are dedicated to sharing their knowledge by way of creative resources for you and your whānau to utilise  online and in your own space, or one of our wānanga/workshop settings.

Meet the team below.

Mātauranga does not belong to anyone. You hold it for those who need it”


Hayley Smith

Ngāti Ranginui | Ngāi Te Rangi 

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With 20+ years experience in the industrial retail scene our co-creator Hayley decided it was time for something new and to reconnect to her roots and heritage.

Rhian Smith

Ngāti Ranginui | Ngāi Te Rangi | Ngāpuhi 

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From the Taumarere awa to Tauranga moana with all the ngahere inbetween our digital creative and wānanga facilitator Rhian draws alot of her inspiration from the taiao/enviroment around her.

Before co-creating RauemiNZ Rhian has always been a strong enthusist of all things mātauranga māori, and all things creative, finding a space to share that passion with a community who will benefit has always been a whainga/goal. 


Ngā Toi Māori

Taonga Gallery & Studios


The Historic Village

17th Ave West, Tauranga South,

Tauranga 3112



Tuesday - Saturday 

11:30am - 2:30pm

Since 2018 RauemiNZ have been apart of The Incubator Hub whānau since being resident artists and Kaitiaki of Okorore Ngā Toi Māori Taonga Gallery and Studios


With rich history and many descendants to show the Faulkner Homestead is currently the home to Okorore Ngā Taonga Māori Taonga Gallery & Studios. Here you can find a handful of our products along with an aray of other talented Tauranga local and national artists goods.

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Māori Owned Pakihi

📍Based in Tauranga Moana

Okorore Ngā Toi Māori Gallery and Studios | The Historic Village Tauranga
17th Ave West, Tauranga South, Tauranga 3112

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